8:00 – 5:00

Monday to Friday

East Bethel, MN


ExpressPostMN is a Real Estate Signpost Service Company. We Install Commercial & Residential Sign Posts.

January 17, 2025

8:00 – 5:00

Monday to Friday

East Bethel, MN


Terms & Conditions


Customer understands the price and service guidelines. All information of install is provided by the customer when ordering a service to avoid error. Any errors made in this process will be the responsibility of the customer, and charges may apply as described in our guidelines.  The Base Price per install is $50.00.  Price is higher for service conducted out of our normal service area.


Express Post is required by the State of MN to notify Gopher State One on all orders to locate for underground utilities. Gopher State requires a 48 hour notice prior to installation and marking of the utility lines will be completed within 2 business days. Express post will install signs and posts within 48 hours of the underground utilities being located. The customer will be notified by email once the install is complete. Invisible fencing and underground sprinklers are the responsibility of the customer. There is a section on the service order to notify Express post if either or both are present. If so, they must be marked with flags or paint. If not marked on the day of installation, Express Post will complete installation using the best judgment of locating such utilities, and will not be held responsible for damages.

The location of the sign can also be marked with flags or paint by the customer if desired. If not marked, Express Post will install signage in the best location from a marketing prospective. All signage must be placed within ordinance of city, county, and state. If property is not marked, any relocation within reason will be charged to the customer. It is also the responsibility of the customer to obtain approval of the property owners, comply with associations, and ordinances.


All posts and accessories are the responsibility of the customer once installation is complete on the property. Any broken or missing items will be invoiced to the customer as outlined in the price and service guidelines.


There are two options for billing:

  1. Accounts using Visa/MasterCard will be billed the day after installation. Express Post will send a receipt via email.
  2. Itemized monthly invoices will be sent via email and will be on a 30 day billing cycle. There will be a $30.00 late fee added to any late accounts. If an account is past due by more than 60 days, all install privileges will be revoked until paid in full. All accounts over 90 days past due will have signage removed from all properties. There will be a $35.00 charge for all returned checks with insufficient funds.