8:00 – 5:00

Monday to Friday

East Bethel, MN


ExpressPostMN is a Real Estate Signpost Service Company. We Install Commercial & Residential Sign Posts.

February 13, 2025

8:00 – 5:00

Monday to Friday

East Bethel, MN



How do I start a new account?

Click on “Register an Account”.  Fill out the “New Service Contract” form along with the “Express Post New Account set up” form. Email or Fax the forms to Express Post. A representative will contact you within 24 hours.

Do You store signs?

Yes! Signs are picked up and stored indoor at no charge. Email or call Express Posts to set up a sign pick-up. There is no charge for the first pick up.

Do you offer brochure boxes?

Brochure boxes are available upon request.

Can you stuff the brochure box with flyers for me?

Yes! Express posts can print and stuff your brochure box with black and white or color brochures. All brochures must be sent in PDF format. See pricing for rates

How do I order a new install?

Click on “INSTALL” and fill out the form. Click “Submit” and a representative will send you a confirmation email letting you know that we received the order. You will also be giving the expected date for installation.

How long will it take before the sign is installed?

Express posts is required by law to have Gopher State One mark all underground utilities. Once the order is placed, it takes 2 business days to have the utilities marked. Your sign will be installed within 48 hours of the utilities being located.

How will I know when the sign is in?

A representative will send an email letting you know that your sign is installed.

How do I order a removal?

Click on “REMOVE” on the Place an Order form. Signs are generally removed within 72 hours.


How will I know the sign has been removed?

We will send you confirmation email letting you know the sign has been removed.



My sign has been vandalized, what do I do?

Send us a “Repair” order form and fill out the special instructions section.




My sign has been vandalized, what do I do?


My sign has fallen down or is leaning excessively. What do I do?

Click on “REPAIR” on the “Place An Order form and fill out the order form. If it is due to improper installation, we will repair at no charge. If due to an unfortunate weather event or vandalism, we charge a trip charge to run out and fix it.




My sign has been vandalized, what do I do?


I have an urgent request, what do I do?

Call a representative at 612-868-0523.




My sign has been vandalized, what do I do?



How am I billed?

There are two options for billing:

  1. Accounts using Visa/MasterCard will be billed the day after installation. Express Post will send a receipt via email.
  2. Itemized monthly invoices will be sent via email and will be on a 30 day billing cycle. There will be a $30.00 late fee added to any late accounts. If an account is past due by more than 60 days, all install privileges will be revoked until paid in full. All accounts over 90 days past due will have signage removed from all properties.


My sign has been vandalized, what do I do?



